Every conference year the Board of Directors of PSi, Performance Studies international, bestows the Dwight Conquergood Award in honour of the memory of Dwight Conquergood (1949-2004); a ground-breaking ethnographer and former Vice President of PSi, best known for his cross-disciplinary research on the disenfranchised. The award is presented to an individual whose work around cultural performance in some way carries a connection to Dwight’s own practice. The award of $2,500 (USD) is granted to assist with travel costs to attend the annual PSi conference in-person (i.e. partial travel and accommodation costs). The recipient also receives full conference registration and a 1-year membership to PSi.

Who can apply?

The Dwight Conquergood Award will be given to an artist, an activist, or an emerging academic conducting research or working on projects with disenfranchised communities.  The award is open to graduate students and early career researchers (up to 3 years since PhD), as well as to practitioners and community members who may be working outside of educational or institutional structures. Only applicants who have already had their proposal for a presentation accepted by the organizers of the current PSi’s conference #29, Assemble!(June 20-23, 2024) in London and are attending the conference in-person are eligible to receive the award.

Application Deadline:  Feb 1st, 2024

For more information on Dwight Conquergood Award and how to apply, please see below:

How to apply?

The application for the Dwight Conquergood Award consists of:

  1. a 1-page CV
  2. a 2-page statement (double-spaced) outlining: a) why you are applying and b) how your work relates to the spirit of Dwight Conquergood’s work, for example by focusing on marginalized groups or challenging the boundaries between scholarly work and a wider sense of ethnography
  3. the contact details of two referees. Please have them or Interfolio submit letters of recommendation to the email address below by the deadline
  4. if you are studying for a higher degree, please include a letter from your supervisor about progress to date
  5. if you are a practitioner, please include a letter of support from someone who knows your previous work
  6. evidence of acceptance to the 2024 PSi conference and presentation abstract.

Send all these materials to the PSi Awards Officers:


Please put ‘Dwight Conquergood Award Application’ in the subject line.

When to apply?

The 2024 deadline for applications is:  Feb 1st, 2024.

What does this award consist of?

  • $2,500 (USD) to assist with travel related to attending the annual PSi conference in-person (i.e. towards airfare and accommodation)
  • Full conference registration
  • 1-year membership to PSi

When will I know the result of my application?

Once a decision has been reached, the recipient will be notified directly in advance of the conference. We expect this to happen latest by early March.

What happens if I win?

The Dwight Conquergood Award is officially bestowed every year at the AGM of the annual PSi conference.  Winners of the award must attend the conference and the AGM in-person.