PSi is proud to announce the second issue of

 GPS: Global Performance Studies 

GPS: Global Performance Studies is the new peer reviewed online academic journal sponsored by Performance Studies international (PSi).

The idea to start GPS came out of discussions with the PSi board and membership. Our goal is to provide a resource to scholars and artists who are seeking to publish both traditional articles as well cross-platform, multi-media content that pushes the boundaries of what we think an academic journal can be.

We are also interested in finding ways the journal can serve a truly global audience of performance studies scholars and artists. When PSi was founded, the name of the organization was written with a lowercase “i” because, although PSi strives to be inclusive of an international membership, as an organization we still have a lot of work to do in order to welcome a truly global community into the field of performance studies.

GPS Issue 1.2

Performance Climates

Eddie Paterson, Guest Editor
What’s Your Position?
Kevin Brown, Editor

Atmospheres and Affects
Dancing with the Animals at the Missa Gaia
Kara Miller
Cut the Sky: Traces of Experimentation in Dance and Dramaturgy in the Age of the Anthropocene
Dalisa Pigram and Rachael Swain
Weather and Events
Performing with the Weather
Annette Arlander as Localized, Trans-Global Performance
Sarah Ann Standing

Habitat and Environments
Refugium at Federation Square: the Politics of Participatory Ecological Artwork in Public-Private Space
Zoë Condliffe, Tanja Beer, and Marnie Badham
Plantón Móvil: Interspecies Collaboration in the Walking Forest
Lucia Monge

Land and Durations
Between Theatre and the Environment: The Experience of Cope/With/Land Theatre Co.
Reagan Maiquez, Dennis Gupa, and Kulay Labitigan
Syllabi for the Future: A Playlist
Curated by PSi Future Advisory Board: Felipe Cervera, Shawn Chua, João Florêncio, Eero Laine, and Evelyn Wan. Contributors: Katherine Brewer Ball, Alice Colquhoun, Augusto Corrieri, Rayya El Zein, Kristin Flade, Juan Gallardo, Chris Gibson, Linzi Juliano, Peter Kalisch, Amaara Raheem, Kayla Tange, and Chad Wyszynski
